For information on how the 2022 Alabama Numeracy Act will impact education majors beginning Fall 2025, click here!

Participating Institutions

Private colleges & universities in Alabama

The legislation that created AGSC & STARS only applies to publicly funded universities and colleges that are SACS ("Southern Association of Colleges and Schools") accredited (all are listed above). While we do not directly work with the private colleges and institutions in our state, many of these institutions have incorporated a large part of the AGSC AREA I-V requirements into their program making transfer from Alabama public community colleges to Alabama private schools possible. Still, each school is different. Make sure you check with each private college or university to see how to best transfer into their programs.  For more information about private colleges and universities in our state, visit Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAICU).

Columbia Southern University

The AGSC/Alabama Transfers is solely funded by state taxpayer dollars and was designed primarily to help students who attend public community colleges in Alabama as they transfer to the public four-year universities or colleges in the state. Therefore, we do not have official transfer guides for students who wish to transfer to or from a private college or university in Alabama. However, Alabama community college students who are interested in transferring to Columbia Southern University should visit this CSU landing page and contact them directly about transfer to their institution.