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Students FAQs

About us

What is the Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System (STARS)?

STARS was rebranded in November of 2022 and is now know as Alabama Transfers.  Over this 28 year period, over 1.6 million transfer guides were obtained through by transfer students using STARS.

From 1994 to 2022, STARS was an acronym for the "Statewide Transfer & Articulation Reporting System." STARS was a web-accessible database system which provides guidance and direction for prospective transfer students in the State of Alabama.

The STARS System allowed public two-year students in Alabama to obtain a Transfer Guide/Agreement for the major of their choice. This guide/agreement, if used correctly, would guide the student through their first two years of coursework and prevent the loss of credit hours upon transfer to their chosen public four-year university in Alabama.  

Is there a cost or fee to use Alabama Transfers?

No. Currently, this program is funded solely through Alabama taxpayer dollars. There is no charge to individual students or institutions for the use of Alabama Transfers. The program is funded as a separate line item through the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE).

If at some point in the future, funding of this program makes it unsustainable, there may be some type fee added for this service.

Who do I contact if I have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding Alabama Transfers?

Get in contact with us through our contact us page.

What is the Articulation and General Studies Committee (AGSC)?

AGSC stands for the Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee. The AGSC was created in March of 1994 by the State Legislature through ACT 94-202.

The AGSC was created to simplify the transfer of course credit between public institutions of higher education within the State of Alabama. To accomplish this task, the AGSC has developed and implemented a statewide general studies and articulation program that facilitates the transferability of coursework among all Alabama public colleges and universities. The AGSC continues to serve as a monitoring committee for the articulation program. The committee members oversee and maintain the program on an on-going basis. Finally, the AGSC works to resolve any student appeals related to transfer of coursework as it relates to the articulation program.

For more information, click here.

What are the advantages of a statewide articulation program?

Students and parents benefit.

Having a statewide articulation program that covers the transfer of course credit from one public institution to another can result in huge savings in terms of time and money for both parents and students. For example, if a student takes one or more courses that they believe will transfer and upon transfer finds out otherwise, the student not only loses the money spent on tuition, books, room and board but also must face graduation delays which might result in lost income from future job opportunities.

The public two-year institutions benefit.

In addition to saving time and money for students and parents, the two-year colleges across the state have begun to streamline their course offerings to better match the AGSC approved transfer requirements as prescribed by Alabama Transfers (formerly STARS). The two-year colleges can also provide better and more consistent advising and counseling for their students. Most two-year institutions, if not all, have started to use Alabama Transfers as their primary advising tool.

The public four year institutions benefit.

Now that a state articulation program is in place, four-year institutions can better support transfer students. The four-year institutions are more familiar with which courses they have to take in each of the various majors or programs. In addition, each month every four-year institution receives a list of prospective transfer students who have expressed an interest in transferring to their institution. This list provides the four-year institutions with student names, addresses, e-mails, and phone numbers (if provided). This reporting feature has greatly enhanced the transfer student recruitment process.

The State of Alabama benefits.

The Alabama Transfers program also makes it easier for students to begin and complete their degrees in Alabama. In addition, the state articulation program promotes accountability among the higher education leaders of Alabama. Through this program, millions of dollars are saved each year because students are better informed and they do not waste time and/or money taking courses that will ultimately not count toward their total degree hours.

Alabama is not alone in this effort. Many states have implemented similar state articulation programs. In almost every instance, the benefits gained from such programs far outweigh the costs and difficulties associated in implementing and maintaining such a program.

If you would like to have someone from the Alabama Transfers staff visit your campus and discuss the positive impact that the AGSC & Alabama Transfers Program has had on higher education in Alabama, please contact us.

What are transfer guides and contracts/agreements?

Transfer guides are simply the documents created through Alabama Transfers (Powered by AGSC) that detail the specific courses and options required in the first two-years of college for students who currently attend or plan to attend a two-year community college prior to transferring to a state four-year institution. The guide has various parts. Students must use the Alabama Transfers System as instructed - Select Option 3 on the home page to obtain an "official" transfer guide. [Step-by-step/tutorial page coming soon.]

If you still have questions or need assistance in obtaining an Alabama Transfers Guide, please contact us.

Can I have a transfer guide for several different institutions?

Yes, you can generate as many guides as you need while exploring majors and careers. Alabama Transfers is a useful tool for viewing specific majors and which four-year colleges and universities offer those majors. You can compare and contrast the degree program offerings from each four-year institution offering the major. You'll find that not all four-year colleges and universities in the state offer the same majors. In fact, some majors may only be offered at a single college or university.  For additional information check out the university Area V pages linked on the Alabama Transfer Guides and also linked on our participating institutions page.

Does my guide obligate me to a particular four-year college or university?

No, generating a transfer guide for a specific major(s) or institution(s) does not obligate you in any way to attend said institution. The transfer guides are simply a way to help you stay on track with your degree progress by ensuring that you're taking the courses that will transfer to your major of choice at your next institution (within four years of generating the transfer guide).

Can I use Alabama Transfers if I am attending an Alabama community college and planning to transfer to a private Alabama college or university?

Unfortunately, no private in-state or out-of-state institutions currently participate in the Alabama Transfers program. However, Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAICU) provides a detailed list of Alabama's private colleges and universities. We recommend that you and/or your advisor communicate directly with these private institutions if you're interested in transferring into one of their degree programs.

What are Transfer Assistance Pages and Area V Pages and who is responsible for their maintenance?

AREA V PAGES are web pages maintained by each individual four-year institution in Alabama. Most Area V pages include general information vital for transfer student success. Information links include, but are not limited to:

  • Admissions Requirements
  • Admission Application
  • Tuition/Fee Costs
  • Financial Aid Assistance and Information
  • Links to AREA V Pages
  • Scholarship Information
  • Advising Information
  • Current Bulletin/Catalog
  • Links to Various Departments/Colleges

Area V Pages are maintained by each individual four-year institution in Alabama. The primary purpose of Area V page is to provide transfer students with additional information about transfer coursework that can be taken at the two-year institutions to complete the Area V requirements not covered on the official Alabama Transfers Guide. Four-year institutions can use these pages to provide information about specific admission criteria and requirements for specific academic programs. In addition, four-year institutions can make strong recommendations in Areas I-IV as long as they do not limit choices by transfer students in those areas.

NOTE: To better assist students, every Alabama Transfers guide viewed includes a listing of the institutions that offer bachelor's degrees in the student's chosen major. This listing is linked to institutional websites and their Area V Pages.  Click here to access to these web pages and other helpful links.

If you have questions about your institution's Area V Pages, please contact your Institutional Points of Contact for AGSC & Alabama Transfers matters. The point of contact, in turn, will contact our office, if necessary.

If you still need help or have other questions, please contact us.

How does using Alabama Transfers protect me?

The Alabama Transfers guides (formerly known as STARS guides) prevent students from losing degree credit upon transfer to public four-year institutions in Alabama. They also prevent the four-year institutions from adding additional coursework on the "back-end" of the degree by forcing them to graduate transfer students in the same number of hours as native students in the same major.

Are there four-year to four-year transfer guides?

No, Alabama Transfers does not provide individualized four-year to four-year transfer guides like it does for two-year to four-year students. However, students attending four-year institutions can use view the institutions approved course listing pages to see those courses in their major area which will transfer from their current four-year institution to other four-year institutions in the state.

Students contemplating a transfer from an Alabama four-year institution to another Alabama four-year institution are strongly encouraged to meet prior to transfer with the prospective receiving institution to discuss possible transfer options and discuss course equivalency information.

Many of the four-year universities can run a "degree audit" of a transfer student's transcript and provide feedback on course equivalency information and current progress made toward a specific major or degree.

What if I cannot find the major I am interested in the available majors for a particular university?

If you are unable to find a major that you are interested in, it may be that we have not yet built a transfer guide for that program or it may be covered by a different major with a different title. Or, it simply may be that the institution you are interested in does not offer a major in your field of study. Either way, we ask you to contact us and let us know what you are looking for. We will do our best to find and answer or provide additional guidance. In addition, your inquiry may initiate the building of a new transfer guide for that particular major that could be used by other students who come after you that are interested in the same major.

What if I want to transfer to a private college or university in Alabama but I can't find the institution on the Alabama Transfers Guide system?
NOTE: Once you click on the links below you will be sent to other institution web pages. You will leave the Alabama Transfers website. We at Alabama Transfers do not guarantee that the information you obtain from these institutions is accurate. Transfer to these institutions is not governed by transfer policies set forth by the AGSC.

Alabama Independent Colleges and Universities

The AGSC/Alabama Transfers is solely funded by state taxpayer dollars and was designed primarily to help students who attend public community colleges in Alabama as they transfer to the public four-year universities or colleges in the state. Therefore, we do not have official transfer guides for students who wish to transfer to or from a private college or university in Alabama. If you are a student looking to transfer to a private college or university in Alabama, we suggest that you work directly with the institution to which you plan to transfer. The links below are provided to help you research and find contacts at these schools. Most of the private colleges and universities in Alabama are members of the Alabama Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (AAICU). You should contact these schools directly to determine their transfer policies and procedures. You should be aware that these institutions may each have different transfer credit hour limitations, or they may have minimum hour requirements that are required in order to receive degrees from their institutions.

Links to AAICU member websites: Amridge University, Faulkner UniversityHuntingdon CollegeMiles CollegeSamford UniversitySpring Hill CollegeStillman CollegeOakwood UniversityTalladega CollegeUnited States Sports AcademyUniversity of Mobile, and Tuskegee University.

Columbia Southern University

The AGSC/Alabama Transfers is solely funded by state taxpayer dollars and was designed primarily to help students who attend public community colleges in Alabama as they transfer to the public four-year universities or colleges in the state. Therefore, we do not have official transfer guides for students who wish to transfer to or from a private college or university in Alabama. However, Alabama community college students who are interested in transferring to Columbia Southern University should visit this CSU landing page and contact them directly about transfer to their institution.

Columbia Southern University

Term & effectiveness

For how long is my transfer guide valid?

From the date you submit this transfer guide, it must be honored by all Alabama public universities that offer the specified major for four years.  

Exception:  If an accreditation body or organization requires specific academic changes for all students (both native and transfers) in their fields of study, then transfer and native students would have to be treated equally and and would be required to fall in line with the new accrediation mandates.  An example of this was the passing and acceptance of the federal "No Child Left Behind" mandate years ago.

What happens after my guide lapses?

If it has been more than four years since you submitted a guide, your credits should still transfer just like older credits taken by all other students in the same degree program at a given university.   In any case, you may want to return to the Alabama Transfers website and obtain a new "official" guide in your major area.

What happens if I change majors?

This guide only applies so long as you continue in your specified major. If you decide to change your major, you should get a new "official" transfer guide. Most guides are fairly similar for Areas I–IV; however, you should still consult your academic advisor or counselor at your current institution.

How do I use Alabama Transfers?

Step-by-step instructions and/or tutorial video are coming soon.   

For the time being, we suggest you go to the home page (student landing page) and click through Options 1, 2, or 3 to begin the process of obtaining an "official" transfer guide in your chosen major.  If you want to obtain an "official" transfer guide, click on Option 3 and follow the step-by-step instructions.  

What are the time limits on Alabama Transfers Guides under which catalog do students graduate?

The Alabama Transfers Guide is to be honored for a period of four years from the date it is generated from the website by all other Alabama public institutions of higher education that offer programs in the specified discipline. Students should maintain a copy of this guide for verification purposes. The Alabama Transfers Guide remains valid and is guaranteed only if the student continues in the major specified on their transfer agreement. Changes made by accrediting and/or other regulatory agencies could result in specific requirements being added to the Transfer Agreement. Any changes made by an institution in its degree programs will affect the transfer student in the same manner as the students native to the university.

Whichever catalog is in effect on the date that the student generates their transfer guide will the be catalog guiding the student's degree progression at the four-year college or university. However, transfer students can opt instead to graduate under the catalog in effect at the time of transfer if it is to their benefit.

What if I experience technical difficulties when using Alabama Transfers?

If you experience any technical difficulties using this site, please contact us.  If you can describe your problem or issue on the contact form, that will greatly help us as we look into the issue or problem and try to find a solution.  

What if someone (faculty, staff member, administrator) at my chosen four-year college or university says that they do not honor or accept the coursework listed on my Alabama Transfers guide?

All public four-year institutions are required by law to accept the courses listed on the STARS transfer guide/contract. If you encounter such a difficulty, you should first contact our office and provide us with a detailed description of your situtation. We, in turn, will reach out and work with our designated points of contact at both the two-year and four-year institutions to try bring a resolution to the issue or problem.

If all else fails, transfer students can ask to formaly present (in writing) their issue/problem to the AGSC. The Executive Director of Alabama Transfers will present the case to the AGSC for review, discussion, and ruling. The AGSC makes final rulings on all student appeals. We strongly encourage all public two-year and four-year institutions who are a part of Alabama Transfers to make a "good-faith" attempt to work with transfer students in order to award them as much credit as they possibly can so as not to cause unecessary delays in future degree completion.

What if someone (faculty, staff member, administrator) at my chosen four-year college or university tells me that my Alabama Transfers guide is wrong?

While the information on the guide may be wrong, it is still legal and binding unless the AGSC rules otherwise. It is the responsibility of the various academic groups to review on a routine basis the information contained on the Alabama Transfers Guides. If something is incorrect, there are procedures in place for the area/academic committees to correct or change an existing guide/contract.

All public four-year institutions are required by law to accept the courses listed on the STARS transfer guide/contract. If you encounter such a difficulty, you should first contact our office and provide us with a detailed description of your situation. We, in turn, will reach out and work with our designated points of contact at both the two-year and four-year institutions to try bring a resolution to the issue or problem.

If all else fails, transfer students can ask to formally present (in writing) their issue/problem to the AGSC. The Executive Director of Alabama Transfers will present the case to the AGSC for review, discussion, and ruling. The AGSC makes final rulings on all student appeals. We strongly encourage all public two-year and four-year institutions who are a part of Alabama Transfers to make a "good-faith" attempt to work with transfer students in order to award them as much credit as they possibly can so as not to cause unnecessary delays in future degree completion.

How soon during my time in college do I need to generate a transfer guide?

We recommend that you generate a transfer guide as soon as possible. The earlier you begin planning for transfer, the better!

Many community colleges in Alabama go over the Alabama Transfers system in-depth during freshman orientation sessions and/or courses. If your community college does not do this, we recommend that you meet with your advisor soon to generate a transfer guide or go over the guide you have already obtained. We're also happy to assist if you have any questions about using the system. Contact us.

How frequently is transfer information updated on the Alabama Transfers Guide and how do I know when something has changed?

Since all Alabama Transfers Guides are based on current curriculum standards as prescribed by the various academic committees, this information changes periodically. In most cases, the information on Alabama Transfers is updated a few days after each regular AGSC meeting (meets every 3-4 months). However, should the need arise, the Alabama Transfers staff can often make changes depending on the circumstance or problem. To stay informed about changes that impact the content of Alabama Transfers Guides, check out our systems updates page. Each time our office changes or updates a particular transfer guide, we will post a summary of the change on this page.

NOTE: All two-year and four-year institutions are responsible for checking periodically for changes so that they too can update or change their Area V Pages (if needed).

What happens if the university refuses to honor my Transfer Guide? What if their requirements differ from those on the Guide?

Transfer Guides are protected by the AGSC Transfer Agreement. This agreement guarantees the transferability of major-specific courses for all of the listed universities. If a university refuses to honor your Transfer Guide, please contact us

Course requirements

Will these course requirements ever change?

You may choose to graduate under the course requirements displayed on your official guide, or you may benefit by chosing to graduate under the most recent catalog.  It is the transfer student's choice.

The only exception is when a change is mandated by an external accrediting agency or other regulatory agency, such as the State Department of Education, ACHE, SACS, NCATE, or CLN. In this case, the requirements will change equally for all students (native or transfer) at a given university.

Does it matter where I take the courses?

It depends.

If you follow your transfer guide, then your graduation requirements will be equal to all other students in the same degree program at a given university.

However, each university has a minimum threshold to be considered a “transfer student.” If your transfer credits are fewer than this threshold, then you are still considered a “first-time” student. While you will receive credit for your courses, it may only count toward the Area (I–V) in which they were set as requirements.  The receiving institution makes the final determination on how the approved transfer courses will count toward their bachelor degree requirements.  If the courses are approve and appear on the transfer guide then the receiving institution must give degree credit in some form for the transfer coursework.

In terms of course sequence requirements, we strongly recommend you complete the entire sequence at the same community college or university.

Why does the course table list more courses than are required for a given Area?

Some Areas do not require specific courses, but instead let you pick from a list of AGSC-approved courses. Just make sure you check how your chosen courses will transfer to each university, as this may vary.

What does it mean when the course equivalency table says “Area Core” or “Elective Only”?

Some courses at a community college don’t have an exact equivalent at a given university. However, we recognize that they impart valuable knowledge.

So, rather than throwing those credits away when you transfer, the universities choose to accept them as “Area Core” or “Elective” courses. This means that the university does not have an exact equivalent course but that they will apply course credit a specified Area (I–V).

How will my AP or CLEP credits transfer?

Each university may decide how to apply Advanced Placement (AP) and/or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) credits.  At this time, you can view the AP course equivalency tables by visiting a university's website and searching for "AP Credit" or "CLEP Credit". 

COMING SOON! -- We are working to add more information regarding the transfer of AP/CLEP credit to the Alabama Transfers website.   

What if I have not yet chosen a major?

This is completely ok! It's common for students to be undecided on a major when they first begin college. If you're not sure what you want to major in yet, Alabama Transfers is a great way to explore your options. You can view multiple majors, including the careers associated with the major, as well as which colleges and universities offer these majors. In addition to exploring majors and careers through Alabama Transfers, we recommend that students meet regularly with their advisors to discuss their degree options, progress, and transfer plans. Alabama Transfers can assist both students and the advisors assisting them in choosing a major and charting their curriculum. Remember that changing your major later on can lead to lost credits.

There is no limit to the number of transfer guides you generate/obtain. We recommend that you explore your options using the system as much as you need to if you're undecided on your major.  Check with an advising office and ask them about possible apptitude tests that can help guide students focus and ultimately choose a majors/career path that is of interest to them.

What if I am currently enrolled in an Alabama four-year institution, but I want to take a few courses at my local community college during the summer?

Students often enroll in courses at their local community colleges during the summer semesters. However, this process is not governed by the AGSC & Alabama Transfers.

This process is typically governed by each four-year university's transient student policy. Contact your university's registrar (or records office) to determine your institution's transient student process.

What do I major in if I am interested in pursuing a "professional degree"? (Pre-Med, Pre-Law, Pre-Vet, Pre-Pharmacy, etc.)

Great question.  

You may want to one day become a doctor, lawyer, pharmacist, or veterinarian.  These type programs are often called "professional programs".  Many times students will say I am in "pre-law" or "pre-med".  This may well be the case, but you must understand that these are not actual academic majors.  After all, if you did not get into law school what would you do with a bachelor's degree in "pre-law"?  In most cases, if you want to pursue a "professional major" you should select a major in the academic field that will best prepare you to gain acceptance/admission to a professional program (usually at the masters or doctoral-level).  

Our best advise to you is to check with your current university and ask your advisor/counselor what they recommend as the best bachelor's degree to pursue to adequately prepare you for future admission and academic success in your chosen professional program. 

Here are some common pre-professional type majors (these are just our suggestions - please check with your advisor first before making a final choice):

  • Law School - Suggested bachelor degree majors: Philosophy, Economics, History, English
  • Med School - Suggested bachelor degree majors: Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Nursing
  • Pharmacy School - Suggested bachelor degree majors: Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Nursing
  • Veterinary School - Suggested bachelor degree majors: Biology, Biomedical Science, Chemistry, Animal Science

There are many others.  These are just the most common professional schools that we often receive questions about.  

Do your own research!  Ask family friends who are working in these professions what they majored in?  Also, it is a good practice to volunteer/work with these professions in the summer (or between terms) so you can get a true feel for the actual job responsibilities and work environment .

I have questions about taking courses through dual enrollment. If I take dual enrollment courses, will these courses transfer later?

Dual Enrollment courses are taught by college faculty — either at the college campus, at your high school, or online. When you complete these courses, the credits will apply for high school now and college later.

Will these dual enrollment courses transfer later to another institution in the state?

If you plan to take your dual enrollment courses in Alabama, you should look at our list of AGSC-Approved courses for universities and for community colleges. These courses are guaranteed to be accepted at all of Alabama’s community colleges and public universities if they are required in your chosen major.

How do obtain more guidance and direction regarding dual enrollement?

To get started, you should contact your high school’s counseling office to determine eligibility and cost. We also have provided links to each of the four-year and two-year dual enrollment information pages here.


Do my grades matter?


First of all, your grades will affect your eligibility for admission into your desired university and upper-level major/program.

Second, your pre-transfer GPA will follow you to the university and will be calculated into your final GPA upon graduation.

Third, if your grades fall below the university’s threshold for transfer, then you will not be awarded credit for the courses and will need to re-take them. Each university may decide how to handle the transfer of D grades; however, the same policy must be applied equally to all students — native or transfer — at a given university.

I completed all the course requirements. Does that mean I’ll be admitted to my desired university?

Congratulations on completing all the course requirements!

Unfortunately, this guide does not guarantee admission to any university; nor to any specific major at the university; nor, even, to any broader field of study. You must still be officially admitted under the admisison policy of the desired university/major/program.

For a link to the university’s admission requirements, visit its webpage.  For quick access to these and other helpful links, please visit our participating institutions page.

If I generate an Alabama Transfers guide, will it guarantee me admission to my desired college, university, or degree program?

No, generating a transfer guide will not guarantee admission to any college or university, or any specific majors or degree programs. The transfer guides only serve to assist you in planning your course of study prior to transferring to a public four-year university.

We strongly recommend that you meet regularly with your advisor to plan for transfer, including researching your desired institution's and/or degree program's admission requirements, deadlines, scholarship opportunities, etc.

We also recommend that you communicate directly with your desired four-year institution well in advance of transferring. Talk with an admissions counselor, schedule a tour, and schedule a meeting with an advisor from your desired major. The earlier you plan for transfer, the better prepared you will be when that time comes.