For information on how the 2022 Alabama Numeracy Act will impact education majors beginning Fall 2025, click here!

Overall System Usage

On this page you can browse our usage reports to see how many students have submitted Official Guides. You can filter the results by major, source community college, or target university. You can also narrow your search window to a single year or specific month.

In the coming months, we’ll continue to upgrade these reports to provide other helpful information, such as a time-series graph of submissions, a comparison of submissions vs. total page views, and more.

Contact us if you have feedback, suggestions, or need any additional assistance on guides that were obtained on the old STARS website.

Total guide submissions 0

Usage by major

Select a major name to view a detailed breakdown
major Percentage of total Visual representation of percentage Number of submissions

Usage by university

Select a university name to view a detailed breakdown
university Percentage of total Visual representation of percentage Number of submissions

Usage by college

Select a college name to view a detailed breakdown
college Percentage of total Visual representation of percentage Number of submissions