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Committee Members FAQs
About us
Is there a cost or fee to use Alabama Transfers?
No. Currently, this program is funded solely through Alabama taxpayer dollars. There is no charge to individual students or institutions for the use of Alabama Transfers. The program is funded as a separate line item through the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE).
If at some point in the future, funding of this program
makes it unsustainable, there may be some type fee added for this
Who do I contact if I have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding Alabama Transfers?
Get in contact with us through our contact us page.
Does my institution have to participate in this program?
As required by state law, all accredited public two-year and four-year institutions in Alabama who received state funding are required to participate in the AGSC/Alabama Transfers Program (formerly know as STARS).
Does the AGSC mandate the curriculum for all public institutions of higher education in Alabama?
No. The AGSC does not mandate the curriculum for all public institutions of higher education in Alabama. However, all public institutions of higher education who receive state funding must adhere to the statewide transfer policy set forth by the AGSC. This simply means that four-year institutions must honor and accept transfer credit as prescribed by the Official Transfer Guide.
While the AGSC does not mandate state curriculum for all institutions, most, if not all, of the two-year and many of the four-year institutions have adjusted their general studies programs to be more in-line with the AGSC general studies requirements set forth in Areas I–V (approximately 60–64 SH).
Term & effectiveness
What are the responsibilities of the chair of an academic committee?
Much of the work of committees is directed by the Executive Director of Alabama Transfers. However, the chair of an academic committee is to serve as the main contact person for the committee. Usually, action items are initiated via e-mail from the Alabama Transfers office to the chair/members of the academic committee. Committee members are encouraged to respond or vote on issues through online forms. The chair basically oversees the work of his/her committee. He/she is to make sure action is taken and votes are recorded and reported back to the Alabama Transfers office by the designated deadlines. In most cases, work required of a specific committee can be handled by email, regular mail, phone, or fax. In some instances, the chair may set up a face-to-face meeting should he/she feel one is warranted. The chair should contact us if he/she has questions about actions, activities, or work of their committee.
What are AGSC Institutional Points of Contact and what are their roles and responsibilities?
In 2002-2003, the AGSC determined (as a result of an outside evaluation study) that better communication was needed between the AGSC & STARS Office and the various public institutions (two- and four-year) in Alabama. To help resolve this communication problem, the AGSC created Institutional Points of Contact at each institution impacted by the AGSC & STARS. These individuals serve as the primary contact person on their campuses.
Click here to view the current roles/responsibilities of these individuals and to see a listing of the current individuals serving as their Institutional Point of Contact for AGSC & Alabama Transfers matters.
For how long is my transfer guide valid?
From the date you submit this transfer guide, it must be honored by all Alabama public universities that offer the specified major for four years.
Exception: If an accreditation body or organization requires specific academic changes for all students (both native and transfers) in their fields of study, then transfer and native students would have to be treated equally and and would be required to fall in line with the new accrediation mandates. An example of this was the passing and acceptance of the federal "No Child Left Behind" mandate years ago.
What if I experience technical difficulties when using Alabama Transfers?
If you experience any technical difficulties using this site, please contact us. If you can describe your problem or issue on the contact form, that will greatly help us as we look into the issue or problem and try to find a solution.