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AGSC-approved course lists

Alabama public four-year universities

One of the primary functions of the AGSC is to work hand-in-hand with the established discipline committees (faculty groups) to approve basic general studies courses for all of the public four-year institutions of higher education and the two-year college system in Alabama. When a course appears on an approved listing it simply means that it has been vetted through the AGSC and degree credit should be awarded upon transfer if the equivalent course is required in the transfer student's chosen major/program.

The public institutions of higher education in Alabama have all agreed to honor and accept the courses approved for transfer by the AGSC. In some cases, additional courses may be required depending on major requirements or accreditation mandates.

Course Hours Lab Area
ENG 101 · Composition I 3 SH No 1
ENG 102 · Composition II 3 SH No 1
ART 101 · Art Appreciation 3 SH No 2
ENG 201 · Survey of English Literature I 3 SH No 2
ENG 202 · Survey of English Literature II 3 SH No 2
ENG 203 · World Literature I 3 SH No 2
ENG 204 · World Literature II 3 SH No 2
FRE 101 · Elementary French I 3 SH No 2
FRE 102 · Elementary French II 3 SH No 2
FRE 201 · Intermediate French I 3 SH No 2
FRE 202 · Intermediate French II 3 SH No 2
MUS 101 · Music Appreciation 3 SH No 2
PHL 201 · Introduction to Philosophy 3 SH No 2
SPA 101 · Elementary Spanish I 3 SH No 2
SPA 102 · Elementary Spanish II 3 SH No 2
SPA 201 · Intermediate Spanish I 3 SH No 2
SPA 202 · Intermediate Spanish II 3 SH No 2
BIO 101/L · General Biology I and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
BIO 102/L · General Biology II and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
BIO 103/L · Princ of Biology I and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
CHE 101/L · General Chemistry I and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
CHE 102/L · General Chemistry II and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
CHE 111/L · Applied Chemistry I 4 SH Yes 3
CHE 112/L · Applied Chemistry II 4 SH Yes 3
MTH 110 · Finite Mathematics 3 SH No 3
MTH 112 · Pre-calculus 3 SH No 3
MTH 113 · Pre-Calculus Trigonometry 3 SH No 3
MTH 115 · Pre-Calculus Algebra and Trigonometry 4 SH No 3
MTH 120 · Calculus and its Applications 3 SH No 3
MTH 125 · Calculus I 4 SH No 3
MTH 126 · Calculus II 4 SH No 3
MTH 227 · Calculus III 4 SH No 3
MTH 237 · Introduction to Linear Algebra 3 SH No 3
MTH 238 · Applied Differential Equations 3 SH No 3
PHY 101/L · Physical Science I and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
PHY 102/L · Physical Science II and Lab 4 SH Yes 3
PHY 201 · General Physics with Trig I 4 SH Yes 3
PHY 202 · General Physics with Trig II 4 SH Yes 3
PHY 213 · General Physics with Calc I 4 SH Yes 3
PHY 214 · Geneal Physics with Calc II 4 SH Yes 3
ECO 200 · Basic Economics 3 SH No 4
ECO 231 · Principles of Macroeconomics 3 SH No 4
ECO 232 · Principles of Microeconomics 3 SH No 4
GEO 214 · World Regional Geography 3 SH No 4
HIS 101 · World History I 3 SH No 4
HIS 102 · World History II 3 SH No 4
HIS 201 · American History I 3 SH No 4
HIS 202 · American History II 3 SH No 4
HIS 204 · Introduction to Africana Studies 3 SH No 4
PSY 201 · General Psychology 3 SH No 4
SOC 201 · Introduction to Sociology 3 SH No 4
UPL 103 · Community and You 3 SH No 4