For information on how the 2022 Alabama Numeracy Act will impact education majors beginning Fall 2025, click here!

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Course requirements & equivalencies

Let’s make it official

Answer a few questions and submit to guarantee your credit transfer for four years

Question 1
What type of institution do you attend?
When do you expect to transfer?
Which universities are you interested in?
Please select a university and consent.

Thank you for submitting a Transfer Guide!

This Transfer Guide creates a binding agreement between you, us (the AGSC), and all of Alabama’s four-year universities offering your selected major (listed below). For four years from the date you submitted this guide, it must be honored by all Alabama public universities that offer your specified major.

Agreement entered: N/A
Valid until: N/A

You will receive an email with a link to view your Guide. You can also access it at the Permalink below.

You should read the entire Guide carefully, and meet with your community college counselor to ensure you have everything in order. You should also print a copy of this Guide and save the email we sent you.