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Jacksonville State University


700 Pelham Road North

Jacksonville, AL 36265

Course requirements & equivalencies

Area I · Written Composition
ENG 101 · Written Composition I EH 101 · English Composition I
ENG 102 · Written Composition II EH 102 · English Composition II

Area II · Humanities & Fine Arts
ENG 251 · American Literature I EH 201 · American Literature I
ENG 252 · American Literature II EH 202 · American Literature II
ENG 261 · English Literature I EH 203 · English Literature I
ENG 262 · English Literature II EH 204 · English Literature II
ENG 271 · World Literature I EH 231 · World Literature I
ENG 272 · World Literature II EH 232 · World Literature II
ART 100 · Art Appreciation (A) ART 202 · Art Appreciation
ART 203 · Art History I (A) ART 111 · Survey of Art I
ART 204 · Art History II (A) ART 112 · Survey of Art II
DNC 101 · Dance Appreciation (A) Area Core
MUS 101 · Music Appreciation (A) MU 233 · Introduction to Music
THR 120 · Theatre Appreciation (A) THR 242 · Introduction to Theatre
THR 126 · Introduction to Theatre (A) THR 242 · Introduction to Theatre
FRN 101 · Introductory French I FH 101 · Beginner's French I
FRN 102 · Introductory French II FH 102 · Beginner's French II
FRN 201 · Intermediate French I FH 201 · Intermediate French I
FRN 202 · Intermediate French II FH 202 · Intermediate French II
GRN 101 · Introductory to German I GN 101 · Beginner's German I
GRN 102 · Introductory to German II GN 102 · Beginner's German II
GRN 201 · Intermediate German I GN 201 · Intermediate German I
GRN 202 · Intermediate German II GN 202 · Intermediate German II
HUM 101 · Introduction to Humanities Area Core
HUM 102 · Introduction to Humanities Area Core
HUM 299 · PTK Honors Course Area Core
HUM 299-01 · PTK Honors Course I Area Core
HUM 299-02 · PTK Honors Course II Area Core
HUM 299-03 · PTK Honors Course III Area Core
IDS 102 · Ethics Area Core
JPN 101 · Introductory Japanese I Area Core
JPN 102 · Introductory Japanese II Area Core
PHL 106 · Introduction to Philosophy Area Core
PHL 206 · Ethics and Society Area Core
REL 100 · World Religions Area Core
REL 151 · Survey of the Old Testament Area Core
REL 152 · Survey of the New Testament Area Core
SPA 101 · Introductory Spanish I SH 101 · Beginner's Spanish I
SPA 102 · Introductory Spanish II SH 102 · Beginner's Spanish II
SPA 201 · Intermediate Spanish I SH 201 · Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 · Intermediate Spanish II SH 202 · Intermediate Spanish II
SPH 106 · Fundamentals of Oral Communication EH 141 · Oral Communication
SPH 107 · Fundamentals of Public Speaking EH 141 · Oral Communication

Area III · Natural & Mathematical Sciences
AST 220 · Introduction to Astronomy Area Core
BIO 101 · Introduction to Biology I BY 101&103 · Introductory Biology I/Lab
BIO 102 · Introduction to Biology II BY 102&104 · Introductory Biology II/Lab
BIO 103 · Principles of Biology I BY 101&103 · Introductory Biology I/Lab
BIO 104 · Principles of Biology II BY 102&104 · Introductory Biology II/Lab
CHM 104 · Introduction to Chemistry I CY 115 · Concepts of General Chemistry I
CHM 105 · Introduction to Chemistry II CY 116 · Concepts of General Chemistry II
CHM 111 · College Chemistry I CY 105&107 · General Chemistry I/Lab
CHM 112 · College Chemistry II CY 106&108 · General Chemistry II/Lab
GEO 101 · Principles of Physical Geography I GY 250&252 · Physical Geography I/Lab
GEO 102 · Principles of Physical Geography II GY 251&253 · Physical Geography II/Lab
GLY 101 · Introduction to Geology I GL 241&243 · Physical Geology/Lab
GLY 102 · Introduction to Geology II GL 242&244 · Historical Geology/Lab
PHS 111 · Physical Science I Area Core
PHS 112 · Physical Science II Area Core
PHY 120 · Introduction to Physics Area Core
PHY 201 · General Physics I PHS 201&203 · College Physics I/Lab
PHY 202 · General Physics II PHS 202&204 · College Physics II/Lab
PHY 213 · General Physics with Calculus I PHS 221 · Physics for Scientists and Engineers I/Lab
PHY 214 · General Physics with Calculus II PHS 222 · Physics for Scientists and Engineers II/Lab
MTH 110 · Finite Mathematics MS 110 · Finite Mathematics
MTH 112 · Precalculus Algebra MS 112 · Precalculus Algebra
MTH 113 · Precalculus Trigonometry MS 113 · Precalculus Trigonometry
MTH 115 · Precalculus Algebra & Trigonometry MS 115 · Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry
MTH 120 · Calculus and Its Applications MS 120 · Calculus and Its Applications
MTH 125 · Calculus I MS 125 · Calculus I
MTH 126 · Calculus II MS 126 · Calculus II
MTH 227 · Calculus III MS 227 · Calculus III
MTH 237 · Linear Algebra Area Core
MTH 238 · Applied Differential Equations I Area Core
MTH 265 · Elementary Statistics MS 204 · Basic Statistics

Area IV · History, Social & Behavioral Sciences
HIS 101 · History of Western Civilization I HY 101 · Western Civilization I
HIS 102 · History of Western Civilization II HY 102 · Western Civilization II
HIS 121 · World History I HY 111 · World History I
HIS 122 · World History II HY 112 · World History II
HIS 201 · United States History I HY 201 · American History I
HIS 202 · United States History II HY 202 · American History II
ANT 200 · Introduction to Anthropology AN 224 · Introduction to Anthropology
ANT 210 · Physical Anthropology Area Core
ANT 220 · Cultural Anthropology Area Core
ANT 226 · Culture and Personality Area Core
ANT 230 · Introduction to Archaeology AN 225 · Introduction to Archaeology
ECO 231 · Principles of Macroeconomics EC 222 · Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 232 · Principles of Microeconomics EC 221 · Principles of Microeconomics
GEO 100 · World Regional Geography GY 120 · World Regional Geography
GEO 201 · Principles of Human Geography GY 220 · Human Geography
POL 200 · Introduction to Political Science PSC 101 · Introduction to Political Science
POL 211 · American National Government PSC 100 · Introduction to American Government
PSY 200 · General Psychology PSY 201 · Principles of Psychology
PSY 210 · Human Growth & Development PSY 222 · Human Development
SOC 200 · Introduction to Sociology SY 221 · Introduction to Sociology
SOC 210 · Social Problems SY 223 · Social Problems
SPH 116 · Introduction to Interpersonal Communication EH 141 · Oral Communication

Area V · Pre-professional, Major & Elective Courses
ART 113 · Drawing I ART 134 · Drawing I
ART 114 · Drawing II ART 234 · Drawing II
ART 121 · Two-Dimensional Composition I ART 233 · Design I
ART 127 · Three-Dimensional Composition ART 240 · Design II
ART 203 · Art History I (A) ART 111 · Survey of Art I
ART 204 · Art History II (A) ART 112 · Survey of Art II
CHM 111 · College Chemistry I CY 105&107 · General Chemistry I/Lab
CHM 112 · College Chemistry II CY 106&108 · General Chemistry II/Lab
BUS 263 · Legal and Social Environment of Business FIN 292 · Legal and Social Environment
BUS 271 · Business Statistics I ST 260 · Statistics/Quantitative Methods I
BUS 272 · Business Statistics II ST 261 · Statistics/Quantitative Methods II
CIS 146 · Computer Applications CS 201 · Introduction to Information Technology
CIS 147 · Advanced Microcomputer Applications CS 201 · Introduction to Information Technology
BUS 241 · Principles of Accounting I ACC 200 · Principles of Accounting I
BUS 242 · Principles of Accounting II ACC 210 · Principles of Accounting II
MTH 120 · Calculus and Its Applications MS 120 · Calculus and Its Applications
MTH 125 · Calculus I MS 125 · Calculus I
PHY 201 · General Physics I PHS 201&203 · College Physics I/Lab
PHY 202 · General Physics II PHS 202&204 · College Physics II/Lab
PHY 213 · General Physics with Calculus I PHS 221 · Physics for Scientists and Engineers I/Lab
PHY 214 · General Physics with Calculus II PHS 222 · Physics for Scientists and Engineers II/Lab
MTH 126 · Calculus II MS 126 · Calculus II
SPH 106 · Fundamentals of Oral Communication EH 141 · Oral Communication
SPH 107 · Fundamentals of Public Speaking EH 141 · Oral Communication
SPH 116 · Introduction to Interpersonal Communication EH 141 · Oral Communication
MTH 113 · Precalculus Trigonometry MS 113 · Precalculus Trigonometry
CIS 251 · C++ Programming CS 231 · Computer Programming I
CIS 285 · Object Oriented Programming Elective
CRJ 100 · Introduction to Criminal Justice CJ 101 · Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJ 110 · Introduction to Law Enforcement CJ 202 · Introduction to Law Enforcement
CRJ 150 · Introduction to Corrections CJ 200 · Introduction to Corrections
CRJ 160 · Introduction to Security Elective
CIS 130 · Introduction to Information Systems Elective
PHL 206 · Ethics and Society Area Core
PHL 106 · Introduction to Philosophy Area Core
ANT 200 · Introduction to Anthropology AN 224 · Introduction to Anthropology
SOC 200 · Introduction to Sociology SY 221 · Introduction to Sociology
POL 200 · Introduction to Political Science PSC 101 · Introduction to Political Science
POL 211 · American National Government PSC 100 · Introduction to American Government
AST 220 · Introduction to Astronomy Area Core
BIO 102 · Introduction to Biology II BY 102&104 · Introductory Biology II/Lab
BIO 104 · Principles of Biology II BY 102&104 · Introductory Biology II/Lab
CHM 104 · Introduction to Chemistry I CY 115 · Concepts of General Chemistry I
CHM 105 · Introduction to Chemistry II CY 116 · Concepts of General Chemistry II
GEO 101 · Principles of Physical Geography I GY 250&252 · Physical Geography I/Lab
GEO 102 · Principles of Physical Geography II GY 251&253 · Physical Geography II/Lab
GLY 101 · Introduction to Geology I GL 241&243 · Physical Geology/Lab
GLY 102 · Introduction to Geology II GL 242&244 · Historical Geology/Lab
PHS 111 · Physical Science I Area Core
PHS 112 · Physical Science II Area Core
PHY 120 · Introduction to Physics Area Core
BIO 201 · Human Anatomy and Physiology I BY 263 · Human Anatomy & Physiology I
BIO 202 · Human Anatomy and Physiology II BY 264 · Human Anatomy & Physiology II
BUS 100 · Introduction to Business CBA 115 · Business Fundamentals/Orientation
MCM 100 · Introduction to Mass Communication COM 200 · Introduction to Mass Communication
CIS 201/202 · Introduction to Computer Programming Concepts/Python Programming Elective
ECO 231 · Principles of Macroeconomics EC 222 · Principles of Macroeconomics
ECO 232 · Principles of Microeconomics EC 221 · Principles of Microeconomics
HEC 140 · Principles of Nutrition FCS 215 · Introductory Nutrition
GEO 100 · World Regional Geography GY 120 · World Regional Geography
GEO 201 · Principles of Human Geography GY 220 · Human Geography
PED 100 · Fundamental of Fitness HPE 109 · Concepts of Wellness
HED 224 · Personal and Community Health HPE 212 · Personal and Community Health
MTH 100 · Intermediate College Algebra MS 100 · Intermediate Algebra for Precalculus
MTH 110 · Finite Mathematics MS 110 · Finite Mathematics
MTH 112 · Precalculus Algebra MS 112 · Precalculus Algebra
HED 231 · First Aid HPE 232 · Sports Safety and First Aid Training
POL 220 · State and Local Government PSC 102 · Introduction to State and Local Government
PSY 211 · Child Growth and Development Elective
SPA 101 · Introductory Spanish I SH 101 · Beginner's Spanish I
SPA 102 · Introductory Spanish II SH 102 · Beginner's Spanish II
ENG 251 · American Literature I EH 201 · American Literature I
ENG 252 · American Literature II EH 202 · American Literature II
ENG 271 · World Literature I EH 231 · World Literature I
ENG 272 · World Literature II EH 232 · World Literature II
FRN 101 · Introductory French I FH 101 · Beginner's French I
FRN 102 · Introductory French II FH 102 · Beginner's French II
GRN 101 · Introductory to German I GN 101 · Beginner's German I
GRN 102 · Introductory to German II GN 102 · Beginner's German II
FRN 201 · Intermediate French I FH 201 · Intermediate French I
FRN 202 · Intermediate French II FH 202 · Intermediate French II
GRN 201 · Intermediate German I GN 201 · Intermediate German I
GRN 202 · Intermediate German II GN 202 · Intermediate German II
SPA 201 · Intermediate Spanish I SH 201 · Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 · Intermediate Spanish II SH 202 · Intermediate Spanish II
MTH 265 · Elementary Statistics MS 204 · Basic Statistics
BIO 101 · Introduction to Biology I BY 101&103 · Introductory Biology I/Lab
BIO 103 · Principles of Biology I BY 101&103 · Introductory Biology I/Lab
HED 230 · Safety and First Aid HPE 232 · Sports Safety and First Aid Training
HED 221 · Personal Health Elective
HIS 101 · History of Western Civilization I HY 101 · Western Civilization I
HIS 102 · History of Western Civilization II HY 102 · Western Civilization II
HIS 121 · World History I HY 111 · World History I
HIS 122 · World History II HY 112 · World History II
HIS 201 · United States History I HY 201 · American History I
HIS 202 · United States History II HY 202 · American History II
MTH 227 · Calculus III MS 227 · Calculus III
MTH 115 · Precalculus Algebra & Trigonometry MS 115 · Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry
MTH 237 · Linear Algebra Area Core
MTH 238 · Applied Differential Equations I Area Core
MUS 111 · Music Theory I MU 101 · Music Theory
MUS 112 · Music Theory II MU 102 · Music Theory
MUS 113 · Music Theory Lab I (Aural Skills) MU 111 · Aural Skills
MUS 114 · Music Theory Lab II (Aural Skills) MU 112 · Aural Skills
BIO 220 · General Microbiology BY 283 · Health Microbiology
PED 200 · Foundation of Physical Education HPE 103 · Foundations of Health and Physical Education
POL 230 · Comparative Government Elective
PSY 200 · General Psychology PSY 201 · Principles of Psychology
HED 222 · Community Health Elective
HPS 105 · Medical Terminology None
HED 226 · Wellness HPE 109 · Concepts of Wellness
CIS 149 · Digital Literacy Elective
PSY 260 · Statistics for the Social Sciences Elective
SOC 247 · Marriage and the Family SY 310 · Modern Family
THR 131 · Acting Techniques I THR 246 · Acting/Acting Fundamentals
THR 241 · Voice and Speech for the Performer THR 290 · Speech for the Performing Arts
THR 113 · Theatre Workshop I THR 250 · Student's Theatre
THR 114 · Theatre Workshop II THR 250 · Student's Theatre

Let’s make it official

Answer a few questions and submit to guarantee your credit transfer for four years

Question 1
What type of institution do you attend?
When do you expect to transfer?
Which universities are you interested in?
Please select a university and consent.

Thank you for submitting a Transfer Guide!

This Transfer Guide creates a binding agreement between you, us (the AGSC), and all of Alabama’s four-year universities offering your selected major (listed below). For four years from the date you submitted this guide, it must be honored by all Alabama public universities that offer your specified major.

Agreement entered: N/A
Valid until: N/A

You will receive an email with a link to view your Guide. You can also access it at the Permalink below.

You should read the entire Guide carefully, and meet with your community college counselor to ensure you have everything in order. You should also print a copy of this Guide and save the email we sent you.