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Kinesiology & Exercise Science
Kinesiology (Exercise Science) is an academic discipline which involves the study of physical activity and its impact on health, society, and quality of life. It includes, but is not limited to, such areas of study as exercise science, sports management, athletic training and sports medicine, socio-cultural analyses of sports, sport and exercise psychology, fitness leadership, physical education-teacher education, and pre-professional training for physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine and other health related fields.
Kinesiology & Exercise Science Committee Members
NOTE: Not all institutions have members on committees. For a four-year institution to have a member on a Professional Academic Committee (PAC), they must have at least one major in the discipline area (verified by the ACHE Academic Program Inventory). The two-year institutions are allowed to name up to two non-voting members to serve on the committee. Four-year members of academic committees are appointed by the Institution's Point of Contact. Two-year non-voting members are appointed by the Alabama Community College System office. For more information about the PACs, click here.
UAH · Shannon Mathis
slm0044@uah.eduVice Chairperson
UM · Stacy Bishop
sbishop2@montevallo.edu4-Year Voting Members
AU · Robin Martin
martroh@auburn.eduAUM · Angela Russell
arussel7@aum.eduJSU · Gina Mabrey
gmabrey@jsu.eduTroy · John Garner
jcgarner@troy.eduUA · Jonathan Wingo
jwingo@ua.eduUAB · Gordon Fisher
grdnfs@uab.eduUAH · Shannon Mathis
slm0044@uah.eduUM · Stacy Bishop
sbishop2@montevallo.eduUNA · Eric O'Neal
eoneal1@una.eduUSA · Geoffrey Hudson
ghudson@southalabama.eduUWA · Catalina Casaru
ccasaru@uwa.edu2-Year Non-Voting Members
SSCC · LaTonya Robinson
latonya.robinson@sheltonstate.eduSUSCC · Amy Rogers