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International Studies
As an International Studies major your focus is more on depth than breadth, so while you’ll gain a greater appreciation for the commerce of the world as a whole, you will probably concentrate on a specific region of the globe, studying in detail its unique history, economy, and political structure. Whether it’s Africa, Asia, or Western or Eastern Europe, you will have the opportunity to focus on the region or countries that interest you most, learning their language, and perhaps even spending a semester studying abroad. In addition to focusing on a specific region, International Studies majors concentrate on some of the most pressing political and social issues of the contemporary world. You can choose to focus your area of study on economic development issues around the globe, or problems of diplomacy.
International Studies Committee Members
NOTE: Not all institutions have members on committees. For a four-year institution to have a member on a Professional Academic Committee (PAC), they must have at least one major in the discipline area (verified by the ACHE Academic Program Inventory). The two-year institutions are allowed to name up to two non-voting members to serve on the committee. Four-year members of academic committees are appointed by the Institution's Point of Contact. Two-year non-voting members are appointed by the Alabama Community College System office. For more information about the PACs, click here.
Acting Chairperson
AL Transfers · Dr. Keith Sessions
keith@alabamatransfers.com4-Year Voting Members
AUM · Pam Long
plong@aum.eduUA · Doug Lightfoot
lightfoot@ua.eduUAB · Nikolaos Zahariadis
nzaharia@uab.eduUSA · Christine Rinne
crinne@southalabama.eduUWA · Mark Davis
mdavis@uwa.edu2-Year Non-Voting Members
Coastal · Ed Douglas
ed.douglas@coatalalabama.eduJSCC · Stacye Thompson