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Family & Consumer Science/Human Science
Family & Consumer Science (FCS)
Family & Consumer Science (FCS) is the comprehensive body of skills, research, and knowledge that helps people make informed decisions about their well being, relationships, and resources to achieve optimal quality of life. The field represents many areas, including human development, personal and family finance, housing and interior design, food science, nutrition, and wellness, textiles and apparel, and consumer issues.
Today’s FCS professionals practice in multiple settings. They are early childhood, elementary, secondary, university/college, and Extension educators, administrators and managers, human service professionals, researchers, community volunteers, business people, and consultants who address the issues most important to our quality of life.
Human Science
Human Science is the study and interpretation of the experiences, activities, constructs, and artifacts associated with human beings. The study of the human sciences attempts to expand and enlighten the human being's knowledge of his or her existence, its interrelationship with other species and systems, and the development of artifacts to perpetuate the human expression and thought. It is the study of human phenomena. The study of the human experience is historical and current in nature. It requires the evaluation and interpretation of the historic human experience and the analysis of current human activity to gain an understanding of human phenomena and to project the outlines of human evolution. Human science is the objective, informed critique of human existence and how it relates to reality.
Family & Consumer Science/ Human Science Committee Members
NOTE: Not all institutions have members on committees. For a four-year institution to have a member on a Professional Academic Committee (PAC), they must have at least one major in the discipline area (verified by the ACHE Academic Program Inventory). The two-year institutions are allowed to name up to two non-voting members to serve on the committee. Four-year members of academic committees are appointed by the Institution's Point of Contact. Two-year non-voting members are appointed by the Alabama Community College System office. For more information about the PACs, click here.
Acting Chairperson
AL Transfers · Dr. Keith Sessions
keith@alabamatransfers.com4-Year Voting Members
AA&MU · Cynthia Smith
cynthia.smith@aamu.eduAU · Jamie Sailors
anderja@auburn.eduJSU · Christi Trucks
ctrucks@jsu.eduUA · Deidre Leaver-Dunn
dleaver@ua.eduUM · Donna Bell
BellDW@montevallo.eduUNA · Jill Goode Englett
jlgoode@una.eduUWA · Katie Beard
kbeard@uwa.edu2-Year Non-Voting Members
DSCTC · Eunice Wheeler
eunice.wheeler@drakestate.eduWSCCS · Marilyn Hannah